10 Ways to Use Dua for Bringing Love Back

10 Ways to Use Dua for Bringing Love Back

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The loss of a dear one is one of the hardest things that people can ever have to deal with in their entire lives. Such loss can be a break up with a spouse or the death of a good friend or a member of the family and it is not a simple task to fill that void. But dua and prayers can give comfort, hope, and the ability to bear the adversities that life throws at one. Making dua to bring back the lost love into your life is one of the most powerful things to do in Islamic world.

What Dua Means
Dua is an Arabic word that literally means ‘supplication’ or ‘call.’ Salah is the direct communication to the Lord of the universe where a person prays to be guided, forgiven, to be healthy or to get something in particular like a lover back. To make dua is very simple, one doesn’t even require to be rich, or powerful, or famous, or eloquent; one just has to be sincere, have faith in Allah and believe that Allah is listening.

The duas are said to be answered though not necessarily in the manner we expect or the response could be simply ‘No’ or what has been written in your destiny materializes. However, there are very strong powers of dua especially when it comes to seeking the return of lost love because they are able to alter one’s kismet.

Powerful Recite Dua To Get Your Ex Boyfriend or Girlfriend Back
Some of the most popular and oft-recited duas to reunite with lost love or call an ex back into your life are:

Praised be to You, O Rabbi, for having given me, among the needy, better sustenance – It is derived from Surah Al-Qasas verse 24. It means ‘O Lord, indeed I am poor indeed, for You to send down for me.’ This was said by Prophet Musa when he was calling on Allah for help. It means showing desperation to Allah and requesting him for his blessings’ infinity. This dua can be made for love that has gone astray or a partner who has strayed.

My rabbi, make for me successful and continuous – and for my brother Sulaiman – This dua is from verse 36 in Surah Sad. The dua was a request made by Prophet Sulaiman to be reunited with his brother. The actual translation of this verse is, “Oh my Lord, help me to have authority and count me among the righteous.” When this verse is read, especially thirteen times, it is believed that one’s lost love can be recovered.

What is the Most Powerful Dua for Bringing Love Back?

O Allah, make me victorious over the disbelieving people; This dua is recited from verse 84 and 85 of surah Yunus. The literal interpretation of this Bismillah is “O Lord, be the judge in the case of the truth; and aid me against the unjust people.” It makes this dua so hopeful that Allah will help seek back the lost love.

Similarly, while Surah As-Saffat says Subhana Rabbika Rabbul Izzati amma yasifun wa salamun alal mursalin walhamdulillahi Rabbil alamin it can also be read as dua to get back a lost lover. The interpretation of this verse is: ‘Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, beyond what those who disbelieve describe, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds.”

O Rasoolullah, hab li hukman wa alhiqni bissaliheen – This dua is mentioned several times in the Quran like in verse 83 of Surah Al Furqan. The message according to the verse is “My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous.” This verse suggests that the man is seeking Allah’s assistance in finding companionship of the righteous or lost love.

In this article, I will explain how Dua works to get your lost love back whether you are in Canada or any other country.
There are several ways by which dua attracts lost love back into your life:There are several ways by which dua attracts lost love back into your life:

- Dua cleanses the heart of such negative emotions as hurt, anger or pride most of which are causes of breakups. This creates a positive attitude towards life which in term invites positivity like forgiveness into your life.

- Dua is the proper alignment of our individual will with the greater divine will of Allah. So when you really humble yourself before the creator of all things, this great power is able to change some realities for you.

Dua for Bringing Love Back

- Dua can be said on a daily basis and this develops confidence in Allah’s might. This faith makes the miraculous possible and the divine can always turn hearts.

- Dua can help in giving either comfort or hope during the sad times when one has lost love. This positive outlook helps in bringing back your beloved into your life again.

- Dua alters the destiny and fate of the man or woman who employs it. What is predetermined by stars and predetermined by birth can be changed by the Al-Malik Al-Rahman if you plead for his abilities through sincere supplication.

So dua possesses a very high level of authority to recover lost love regardless of the fact that all human efforts may have been exhausted. We must then pray to the Creator with the pure soul and strong faith and stick to the prayers. Hopefully, you will be able to meet your lover again by the grace of the dua that you have recited.

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