Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Bringing Back Love

Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Bringing Back Love

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This is true because no one wishes to lose a loved one especially in a painful and untimely manner. In most cases, whenever we lose someone we love such as a friend, a family member, or even a lover, it is such a big blow that one may feel so empty and confused. During moments of distress, those people who believe in tawakkul seek solace, comfort, and support in prayer and making dua in particular to Allah.

It is a normal practice in Islamic communities to make dua to Allah to return someone in your life or to reconstruction marriage. Even though only Allah has power over all that occurs, it is permissible and recommended to make dua to Allah in the most honest and purest of ways. By saying dua, many a Muslim has prayed with passion to get back what he/she lost or to restore a severed relationship.

Dua for Bringing Back Love

There are certain guidelines that one must bear in mind when making the dua, seeking Allah to bring back the deceased. It should be a dua for the sake of recalling the relationship for a right purpose and not for self-fulfillment. Love for another person, family, and friends may be a desire that you yearn to have this person back in your life but you must surrender to the will of Allah, for He knows what is best for us.

The following are some examples of dua for bringing someone back into your life:

Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir - "My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, needy." (Quran 28:It is said that the black race is inferior to the white race and that people of black skin are lazy and undesirable (page 24). This dua simply entails an expression of a request to Allah to bestow upon you the favor of having your loved one back in your life if it is in your best interest.

This is a phrase that is used when someone is lost, and the caller wants them to be returned safely to his or her location, and the phrase used here is Allahumma Raddahu ilayya, meaning, “O Allah, return him/her to me”. An earnest prayer of an average person who wants to make amends to his/her loved ones.

As for the love towards a particular individual, the phrase is – Allahumma fashhad bi ani uhibbuhu /uhibbuha laka – “O Allah bear witness that I love him/her for your sake”. Saying to him or her that whatever you are doing for him/her is due to Allah’s command.

La Haulang labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk, inna al-haulda wan-ni’mata laka wal mulka la sharika laka. Reciting a few prayers, the most famous is the Talbiyah dua assists in letting go of control and in submission to Allah.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Grateful, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except You, and I seek forgiveness from You and repent to You. Praise be to God, glory be to God. I testify that there is no deity other than God. I turn to God and seek his forgiveness. ‘Astaghfirullah, wa atubu ilaik.’ This is a statement of humility, a way of clearing one’s heart and removing barriers.

O Allah forgive me and have mercy on me and indeed you are the most generous of those who show mercy. “And my Lord, forgive and have mercy for You are the best of the forgiving.” When people seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy, they are putting things back in order.

O Allah, indeed I have violated my soul dark as night, so forgive the sins for there is none who can forgive sins but You, O Allah, forgive me a forgiveness from Yourself, have mercy on me, for surely You are the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. “O my Lord, I have indeed sinned my own self greatly and none have the ability to forgive but You; so, grant me a forgiveness from You and have mercy on me; indeed, You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” Confessing to Allah and seeking His infinite forgiveness promotes self improvement.

If the dua is from the heart and it is recited with strong faith, repentance towards Allah and a desire to embrace the other person provided it is from the decree of Allah, it will open up the door for reunion with the loved one. However, the second consideration that may be equally important is the action taken in the form of contacting the person that is missed to restore the relationship. Make sure that the mistake is no longer an issue and express verbally that you will both love each other more and treat each other better in the future.

Along with dua for bringing someone back, there are also helpful spiritual remedies you can perform to attract positive change, such as:

- Donate or offer oneself in helping the needy - It is permissible to pray salatul hajaat after any of the five prayers - There are blessings in reciting Surat Yasin and Surat Al-Waqi’ah - One should drink zamzam water for the purpose of family reunion

In other words, no one can be made to come back no matter how well the dua’ is made but when dua is sincerely made with purposeful action, it shows a genuine willingness to reconcile and grow spiritually. This may be painstakingly unbearable, but always remember to trust in Allah’s timing and plan. Now submit your sorrows, your fury, and all your lusts to Allah and sync your goals with your ultimate destiny in life. Seek the change and improvement while staying positive, as Allah listens to the prayers of His loyal followers.

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