Dua for Convincing Parents: A Spiritual Approach

Dua for Convincing Parents: A Spiritual Approach

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Islamic marriage is a religious partnership between a man and a woman in which the two partners should be courteous to each other. Yet, several times, there are issues in a marriage, and a wife might be in a position whereby her husband is not emotionally supportive or encouraging as she wishes he would be. In these he said she also encouraged the couple to seek the intervention of God in prayer as a way of seeking a change in the relationship.

It is also used extensively in http://forsakengod.com/the-problem-of-domestic-abuse-what-god-said/ the Quran where there exists verses that guide people on how to handle the swings of marriage and also there are special dua that the wife can say to request for assistance to curb the husband from conduct that is unbearable. One such dua is in Surah Al-Qasas, verse number 24 in which it states, “My Lord for whatever good You could send down to me I am in need.” This is a great dua that can effectively be used in a bid to seek Allah’s help in handling a man’s behavior in marriage and causing change.

Yet another dua that a wife might say to express her troubles in marriage or as advice when her husband turns Modal is Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayaah 286 that states “Our Lord! Place not on us a burden greater than we have the strength to bear. ”That dua is a wife’s desperate cry to Allah asking Him to assist her to contain her husband’s abusive behavior.

Based on the above dua’s one must bear in mind that praying can go hand in hand with getting help form Allah but also there are practical measures, which one has to adapt in case of the problems within marriage. The things that could be done are talking to your husband, going for counseling, and avoiding immediate outbursts of anger with your husband.

However, there are certain activities the wife can undertake that can be of great help in enhancing quality control on the husbands’ behaviors; and these are: Among the best actions that a wife should take is to supplicate for her husband and seek Allah’s help in making him a righteous and respectable man. In asking Allah to bless the husband’s affairs, the wife is displaying her care and affection on him and at the same time seeking the intervention of Allah to change the situation.

Dua for Convincing Parents: A Spiritual Approach

Yet another thing a wife needs to do thus help set the tone and be patient, kind and understanding of her husband. It will also be seen that when a wife learns to shower her husband with love and respect he in turn will be motivated to change for the better and treat her in a better manner.

A wife also needs to establish her personal boundaries and express it to her husband concerning appropriate behaviors she requires from him. By so doing, a wife can define the acceptable behaviors within the marriage circle and explain to the husband the forbidden behaviors within the marriage.

In Islam marriage is a partnership and both the husband and the wife has a certain rights and duties towards each other and one among them is to be kind towards each other. Therefore, by praying to Allah through dua and also employing constructive ways to deal with the problems affecting their marriage, a wife can ensure that she manages to control her husband’s actions constructively.

Therefore, stated in conclusion, marriage is one of the most precious and essential human relationships But it is also important to note here that they are not free from certain challenges. Learning and willing to do what a woman should do can be arduous when a husband is not in a position to change; therefore, making dua to Allah can yield a change in the relationship.

Through inserting certain dua from the Quran, undertaking pragmatic interventions to solve the problems in marriage, exercising patience and tolerance towards the husband, it is possible for a wife to help check the behavior of the husband positively. Therefore, couples should be assured that, with faith, patience and endurance all the difficulties in marriage can be overcome and Allah is always with us.

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