Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage

Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage

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Dua for convincing parents for love marriage: The procedure of convincing parents for love marriage is not an easy task at all, but by following the dua for convincing parents for love marriage will make it easier for you to find a way and give your parents a positive attitude towards your love marriage.

It may be a very daunting exercise especially when all you want is to convince your parents to let you marry the person you love especially when they have already made their choice of spouse or have a different plan for you. Though, it is not easy to change the hearts of parents but one can make dua to Allah and this may do the trick. Here are some important duars you can make:Here are some important duars you can make:

1. Recite Surah Yusuf

The vice in question can be illustrated by Surah Yusuf which recounts the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and Zulaikha. It describes how the feelings of affection between two partners are valued by Allah. It is reported that when one is in love, one should recite this surah and make a request to Allah to bless the love as has been blessed.

"Rabbi hab li min ladunka zurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka samee‘ul du‘aa'" (Quran, 3:It is quite typical that 38 per cent of all patients who experience a heart attack will return to their normal jobs within a week.

O my Lord! May it please You, grant me a good offspring. Indeed You are the All-Hearer of the call of supplication.

2. Pray Salatul Hajat

Hajat is a prayer that is said whenever one feels trapped in some or the other problem in life. Then make wudu, pray 2 nafl prayers, and read some surahs like Fatiha, Ikhlas, or any others, and then make a gesture by raising your hands and sincerely ask for whatever you want.

Here is an example dua to make:Here is an example dua to make:

“O Allah, through the right of Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy: O Living and Eternal, through the right of Sulaiman, upon him be peace: O Best of Givers, grant the blessings of this righteous, goodly couple from You. For verily, You are Ever-Powerful over all things.”

O Allah, I ask You by the honour of Muhammad the intercessor on the Day of Resurrection. Oh the Eternal one, Oh the Ever-Living One, by the honour of Solomon I seek. Oh, the Provider of everything, let a righteous, healthy mate be blessed and be given from You. Of course, indeed you have power to get all things done.

3. Pray Tahajjud salah

Tahajjud prayer is a nafel prayer which is either performed in the early dawn or in the last part of the night. This is one of the most effective ways of approaching Allah in a humble posture to ask for pardon as well as having your dua answered. After praying, you can make the following dua:After praying, you can make the following dua:

“Oh Allaah, I ask You for a good righteous spouse, a chaste, obedient, beautiful-faced wife; a wife whom You love, and whom the angels love our masjid.”

Oh Allah grant me a good doing, righteous, religious and moral character, wife who loves and love Your masjid.

4. The specific words you should follow are ‘Give charity and feed others’

To eat the food, to feed others and offer charity to the poor are some of the deeds that are loved by Allah. Sacrifice to Allah is one thing that if offered willingly, Allah replenishes and blesses you with even more good things.

You can give some amount of donations or provide food to some poor people. Then make this dua:

“BismilLaaHI rahmatul ladhee laqaddartu bih<|reserved_special_token_264|>afiyYAti Muhammad shallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallama nadhratan li tofira lee zanbee wataqdiilee haajatee wa tuyassira lee amree.”

Oh Allah, I spent my charity in the nation of the seal of prophets and messenger, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him to expiate my sin, provide for my necessities and ease my affair.

5. Patiece yourself and pray to Allah

Another important aspect which is crucial when making dua to Allah is to be patient and persistant whenever one is going through tough times. Like a father who disciplined his children, He tried those whom He loves, so continue praying even though there’s no answer yet. Trust that Allah listens to the prayers of his servants and will provide the most appropriate and benevolent outcome in his infinite knowledge.

Here is an important dua from the Quran to constantly recite:

Our Lord, give us the fruits of the earth as sustenance in this world and in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the fire. (2:201)

O our Lord, give us success in both the life of the world, and in the Hereafter, and spare us the punishment of Hell.

Besides the above, make it a point to always seek Allah’s forgiveness for your sins, engage in deeds such as reading the Quran, honor your parents, and refrain from riba relationships. If for example you want to be a righteous believer, InshaAllah with the permission of Allah Almighty, he will provide you with a good partner. Just keep holding on and never stop making dua.

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