Easy Ways to Make a Dua for Convincing Someone

Easy Ways to Make a Dua for Convincing Someone

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In this world, people come across a number of situations when trying to change someone’s mind and get him or her to accept an idea, proposal, or a point of view. This may range from convincing your parents that your chosen career is the right one, convincing an interested partner to invest in your business, convincing your spouse that a certain decision is best, and so on.

However, it is not only about reasoning and providing proofs, but also, making supplications to Allah (SWT), which also assists in softening the hearts and minds. Below are some of the best dua to use when trying to persuade someone.

Dua 1:

“Let my head become grey and my tongue be loosed so that I may make easy the command and the hard the consultation.”


“My Lord, let me have room in my chest for faith and knowledge, proper understanding and wisdom. Make my task easy for me. And free my tongue from any obstruction so that they may be able to understand what I said.”

This dua is from Surah Ta-Ha (Quran 20:(25-28) and was about going to Pharaoh with the message from Allah for Prophet Musa (AS) to go to Pharaoh. It reveals that the speaker essentially requires the Lord’s assistance in getting across the truth in the most acceptable way to the hearer and to eliminate any hindrances so the message shall be received as is. Use of this dua can assist in making important requests since it produces a positive effect on the listener.

Dua 2:

We don’t need the rabbish to come, make our sadd, ease our amr, and bring the uqdatan from our lisanee so yafqahu qawlee can understand.


“O Lord, Thou must enlarge for me my breast [with faith], and relieve for me my burden, and loose the knot from my throat, so that they may hear my speech.”

This dua is also from Surah Ta-Ha (20:This is similar to Campbells base estimate of 25-28, although not exact, and adjusted slightly. The difference in the pronunciation is that it is not ‘yafqahu’, but ‘yafqahoo’. Whereas owing to difference in the choice of letters the two words mean ‘understand’ there are variant connotations. Use this dua when you have a message to pass or you want help with a specific task that needs you to speak to someone. The extra adverbial phrase ‘with assurance’ means confidence which makes a positive influence to the audiences.

Dua 3:

“O Allah make easy for us this our affair and join us in the succeeding affair, and make us subsist on Your Sufficiency which establishes us upon firmness, you are the evidence and the witness, and you are our Allah in this our Religion and in this our World. O Allah forgive us our faults and wipe out for us evil deeds. Indeed You are the Forgiving the Merciful.”

How to Perform a Dua for Convincing Someone


“O Allah, make the affairs easy for us and help us to the best of our choices and give us sustenance from the sustenance You have provided for us for which we shall be thankful to You, and recover from our sins O Allah, pardon our shortcomings and conceal our evils for indeed You are Oft-Forgiving the Most Merciful.”

In this dua, as compiled by Ibn Majah, one asks for ease in deeds, correct direction, sustenance and pardon from Allah. If it is to be said with conviction, it can warm the coldest of hearts and belie the door of faith. The acknowledgment of Allah’s pardon and benevolence also helps the listener to be more tolerant and accept people’s breaks as well.

Best Practices for Convincing Dua:Best Practices for Convincing Dua:

1. It helps to say a lot of istighfar (asking for forgiveness) and repent from sins before making a dua as it increases the chances of the dua being answered.

2. Then politely state your case with full wisdom, patience and manners before seeking help from Allah in your dua.

3. It is recommended to offer 2 rakat Salat al-Haja before the dua and to raise your hands entreating the Merciful when making the dua.

4. Before you start making your dua, engage in much charity and gifting so that whatever is blocking your dua on the spiritual level is eliminated.

5. If the person does not want to be convinced to do good, then no matter how much dua is said by you, then you should have faith in Allah’s decisions. You have always better for you.

Key Takeaways: Even if there could be different opinions about this, it is necessary to make dua when attempting to persuade someone along with tangible work. Some of the verses from the Quran have given examples of Prophets needing to make special invocations to seek this very favour. Also, the etiquettes that are performed alongside the dua, the certain actions and having trust in Allah make it easier for the dua to be answered. When the heavenly help arrives, then gates open and people become compassionate.

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