Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Husband's Job Success

Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Husband's Job Success

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Job search is a difficult, time-consuming and testing process, which involves many feelings of stress and frustration. Though a responsible woman today wants to be a provider, I felt like a supporting wife who needs to make dua for her husband to get a good-paying job for his family. In Islam, people are encouraged to pray for their needs and desires through dua and it is said that the prayer should be from the bottom of the heart.

Where to Begin
The first thing that I need is to have my husband to pray Istikharah – this prayer is said to help in decision making. This enables him make supplication to Allah regarding which job opportunities he should consider. I have a duty to be a wife for him to allow him to do Istikharah before the search for a job or an interview.

Another significant preliminary measure is to search for those verses and prayers in Quran and Hadith that concern rizq, which means sustenance and livelihood. Some relevant passages include:

“And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision.” (Quran 11:6)

“O you who have believed, fear Allah and seek the means of nearness to Him.” (Quran 5:The last number is 35.

These verses are a constant reminder of the fact that He is Allah, the Al-Razzaq, the Provider. We receive rizq through obedience and approaching Him.

Daily Supplications
In addition to istikharah, I will make the following daily prayers:In addition to istikharah, I will make the following daily prayers:

Rabbana aatinaa fid-dunyaa ma-ahsanin wa fil ‘aakhirati ma-ahsanin wa qinaa ‘adhaaban-naar.
"Our Lord, grant us the good of this world and the good of the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire." (Quran 2:200) Amongst these, the following are the most important ones that have been recognized and pursued by scholars in this field:

O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of the grave, and from the punishment of Hell fire, and from the evil of the trials of the false christ, and from the evil of trial of the living and the dead. Bismillahi wa billah. O my Lord, indeed I seek refuge in You from recklessness and being enslaved.
“Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal ‘adhabil qabri wal ‘adhabil majji wal-aqlam wal-bughdi wal-a’dhab wal masih Ad-Dajjal wal ‘adhabidh dalika al-janna wagheerun viya wal ‘adhabidh man aghalabahul kufur Bid’nah wa-ghulabah

Said with precision every day, these calls of faith will protect my husband in different exams in life and the hereafter.

Prayers Upon Waking
I will ensure that I lovingly remind my husband to pray when he wakes up in the morning or during other occasions that may require prayers. These include:

Praise be to Allah Who revives the dead after He has caused them to die and to send the dismounted to the resurrection.
My noble companions, all the praise is for Allah who has granted life to me after having deprived me of it and to Him is the final destination.

In the Name of Allah, Who has no partner, and there is no deity save Him; to Him belongs all praise and from Him comes all strength; He, the Exalted, is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.
The whole phrase testifies: “Allah is sufficient for me; there is no deity other than Him; I trust in Him; He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.”

These are short prayers that when said will remind my husband to depend on Allah as he goes about his day.

Additional Nightly Prayers
Every evening, I will gently motivate my husband to make the following dua before sleep:

Oh Allaah, indeed I seek Your blessings in Adheem and in my presence is another ‘Adheem which You granted me life to remember, O Allaah You Who caused me to die. Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-kufr; wal-faqr ‘a’oothu bika ra’stahum; wal-jahl bi-dhalika ‘a’oothu bika shaytanah.
”Oh my Lord, I request from Your Great Favor an immense favor with You and You create for me a job that I am alive for, Oh my Lord, I seek Your protection from disbelief and poverty.”

Rabbi ‘aj’alnee muqeeman lissalati wa min thurriyyatee rabban wataqabbal du’a. 'Innaka 'antas-Sami'ul-'Aleem. Oh, our Lord, grant us from the Bernie of our Lord a righteous offspring Indeed You are the All-hearing ALL-knowing.
“Lord, make me establish the prayer and my descendants (also establish the prayer). Our Lord, You are the hearer of supplication. Our Lord, answer my prayer. Verily, You are the all-hearing, the all-knowing. Our Lord, grant to me that I should be pure of offspring. Verily, You are the all-hearing, the all-knowing.”

By these night supplications, my husband is directly asking for Allah’s help in securing not only a job but also in having patience and in leaving a legacy of a good deeds behind.

Ongoing Support
Last but not the least, I will keep engaging my husband emotionally and spiritually to help him find a job so that we can be financially stable again. I will also listen carefully to his troubles and problems and then try to help him in the best way possible. I will also search for the relevant Islamic sayings, tales and supplications that would be useful to share with him during the challenging or frustrating periods. It is vital because my role as a devoted wife is to remain a source of hope with my steady dua, words of encouragement, and love.

As long as Allah is merciful, the right chance will come to him. With hope and work, a couple can face and conquer all the odds that come with the union. The test of unemployment might be strenuous, but it is only for a duration of time as Allah wills. Employing dua in addressing this challenge will make my husband and I merge into one, through trusting in Allah and being optimistic in his timings.

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